Guidelines for citing web pages, websites or online news.
Contains information about the author or publishing organization of the web page and either the date when the page was created or the date of the latest update
(Lappeenranta University of Technology 2012).
LAPPEENRANTA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, 2012. Sustainable Thinking - LUT. [Web page]. [Cited 2017-05-19]. Available:
Author or publishing organization of the web page and either the date when the page was created or the date of the latest update
(Li 2004)
(World Health Organisation 2013)
Author information available:
Li, L 2014, Chinese scroll painting H533, Australian Museum, [Website]. [Cited 2016-02-20]. Available:
Organization as the responsible publisher:
World Health Organisation 2013, Financial crisis and global health, The United Nations, [Website]. [Cited 2016-02-20]. Available:
If the author is not given, use the title of the site/page and the publication year.
(Land for sale on moon 2007)
Land for sale on moon 2007. [Web page]. [Cited 2016-02-20] Available:
If the publication date is not available, use the abbreviation n.d. (no date)
(ArtsNSW n.d.)
(Kim n.d)
ArtsNSW n.d., New South Wales Premier’s Literary Awards, NSW Department of the Arts, Sport and Recreation, [Web site]. [Cited 2007-06-20]. Available:
Kim, M n.d., Chinese New Year pictures and propaganda posters, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, Web site] Cited 2016-04-12]. Available: .
If the author is given:
(Pianin 2001)
If the author is unknown, use the name of the source:
(New York Daily Times 1851)
Coorey, P 2007, ‘Costello hints at green safety net’, Sydney Morning Herald, 10.5.2007, [Online] [Cited 2012-05-14], Available: .
If the URL of the news is long (over two lines), use the URL of the publication
Holmes, L 2017, 'The woman making a living out of pretending to be Kylie Minogue', The Daily Telegraph, 23.04.2017, [Online] [Cited 2017-05-22], Available: