1. Find and download the Ex Libris Library Mobile -application from the Play Store or AppStore.
2. Open the application and use the Search for the institution to look for LUT Academic Library.
3. Select your own organization: LUT or LAB
4. Give the Library Mobile application permission to access your device's pictures if needed.
5. Agree to the ExLibris Library Mobile End User License Agreement and LUT Academic Library's rules and regulations (by clicking the accept or ok button).
6. Sign in using your university ID (Haka login).
7. Choose your language preference.
8. Library Mobile - eLIB - is now ready for use!
1. Search and download the Ex Libris Library Mobile application from Play-store or the AppStore with your mobile device.
2. Open the application:
3. Search for LUT Academic Library and select it from the list:
4. Select your organization LUT or LAB:
5. Give the Library Mobile application permission to access your device's pictures.
6. Agree to the ExLibris Library Mobile End User License Agreement and LUT Academic Library's terms and conditions of use (by clicking the accept or ok button).
7. Sign in with your university ID (Haka login). Staff will be sent a push notification to DUO-MFA.
8. Choose your UI language preference:
9. Activate the screen lock if you want to. You can also add finger print identification to the app. Now the app is ready for use!