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Library guide to new employees: Library use

Library use

Service hours and contact information

  • Library service hours can and should be checked on Library webpage. Different service hours on different campuses as well as exceptional open hours are updated there.
  • The Library is open to staff and student self-guided use outside service hours. Use your own magnetic key / identity card to open the doors when they are locked. 
  • Contact information contains street addresses, e-mails and phone numbers to the campus libraries.

Interlibrary loans

  • You can request a book loan or an article copy when you need material which is not available in the Academic Library,
  • Please, place the order via or use the form.
  • Interlibrary loans are free of charge to staff when they are needed for work or for doctoral studies.


  • Staff loans are renewed automatically. Therefore, there are no overdue fees for staff. However, you must compensate for lost or damaged items. Return requests from the Library are emailed to you when the loan period is over or some other customer asks for the item you are borrowing. Remember to return all your loans when you resign.

Requested material can be collected from the Library after you get an email notice about it. If the material you need is available in the Library, you can save time and pick it up from the shelf shown in Primo instead of making a request and waiting for the email notice. Remember to check out all your loans before taking them out of the LIbrary.

Your request may concern material, which is in another campus library. Material is transported between libraries twice a week.

Staff loans are renewed automatically if there are no requests to them. The total borrowing time varies from one to two years.

The Academic Library asks you to return your loan if another customer has requested it or if the total loan period is ending. Please, return the loan when you receive the message. In case you need to continue using the material, you can leave a request to it and you then get it after the other user has returned it. 

User information is automatically copied from the employee registry into the Library customer registry. There is no need to register as a library user. A library card is needed for borrowing printed material. Requested material must be checked out before it is taken out of the Library premises.

You can get the digital library card by downloading the Tuudo application from the app store. 

Contact us

Lappeenranta campus library

Customer services

Lahti campus library

Customer services