Offline downloading
The book is downloaded to your own device, after which you can read it without internet connection or browser
Open-source file format used for saving and distributing e-books
”Digital Rights Management”, technology used to control access to digital data
Adobe ID
Free user ID that is needed to read DRM-protected books. Adobe ID is activated for the app which is used for reading protected books
Adobe Digital Editions
Adobe e-book reader that is needed when you want to download a DRM-protected e-book to your computer
When you download eBooks for the first time to your mobile device, you first have to:
1) Download an app that supports Adobe DRM from iTunes or Google Play
2) Create an Adobe ID, if you haven't already got one
3) Activate your Adobe ID in the reader's settings (see pictures below)
You are now ready to download a book from the e-book collection you've chosen!
More instructions, see eBook Databases: Find and Compare
My Adobe ID is not accepted.
There can be many reasons for this. Try to sign in to your Adobe account in the browser. You can also try changing the password.
Adobe will not allow you to have more than one Adobe ID. If you forget your user ID, do not create a new ID with the same personal data. This could cause your ID to be blocked.
Your Adobe ID can be activated with a maximum of 6 apps/devices. If you reach the limit, you will have to deactivate your ID from some of the apps (app settings-> deactivate).