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Primo in English: Home

1. Sign in with your university ID to get access to the e-materials. 

2. Basic search. You can search for material using search words, keywords, title, author or ISBN number. You can use also truncate your search words using the  * -sign or connect them using the Boolean operators AND and OR. You can filter your search results further according to the material type, language or location using the facets on the left. 

3. Link to the advanced search is right of the basic search box.  

4. Database search and Journal search are available in LUT and LAB Primo. You'll find all your institution's databases listed in the database search tab.   

Primo search service

Primo is LUT Academic Library's search service. Primo searches print collections in both Lappeenranta and Lahti, and in your own institution's Primo you'll also find your institution's electronic articles and books with the same search. 

Reservations & requests

You can request items from both library locations (Lappeenranta and Lahti). Items may be on loan or available while requesting.

When you find a book that you want to request, click the title and then "Request". Choose your Pickup Location and click "Send request".

You will receive an email notification once the requests are ready to be picked-up. Don't forget to borrow your requests!

You can find your requests by a personal Pick up code which is included in Pick up notice (e-mail). The requests are shelved alphabetically according to customer's family name. 

Save your favourites

You have to sign in to Primo from the top right corner to be able to save your favourites and searches. Once you have signed in you can save items from the search result list by using the pin icon. pin icon from Primo search service

You can also save the search query by using Save query -button  Screen grab of the save query -button from Primo search service   underneath the search box. You can turn on e-mail notifications for the search by clicking the banner that appears on top of the page when you save the query, or you can turn on the an e-mail notifications by going to My Favourites from the top right corner dropdown menu, selecting the Saved searches -tab and clicking the bell icon Bell icon from Primo search service next to saved search.

The new search results for the query will be sent to your e-mail.  

Signing into Primo

LUT and LAB staff and student sign in to their own institutions Primo with their university ID. The sign in is at the top right corner of Primo. 

Other customers sign in using their library card number and a password. If you have trouble logging in please contact the library ( or for a reset password link. 


To renew your loans sign in to Primo from the top right corner, select My Loans from the dropdown menu and click on the Renew-button Screen grab of renewal button from Primo search service next to to loan title to renew your loans. The new due date will be 14 or 28 days from the date of renewal.  

Loans that have been requested by other patrons or that have been on loan for the maximum period cannot be renewed. 

LUT & LAB staff loans will be renewed automatically when possible.

Electronic materials

Access to databases, e-books, e-journals and articles is through LUT Primo or LAB Primo. You need to sign-in from the top right corner using your university ID (Haka login) to gain access to the electronic materials.

System providers guides to Primo

Fines & fees

You can pay your library fines and fees online in Primo. Go to "My profile" and click Pay fines. The minimum amount for online payment is 0,65€.

If you have fees related to lost or damaged items, please note that  it is not possible to pay those fees online. Please contact the library first ( or and arrange the payment.

The limit for losing borrowing rights is 15€. 

Saavutettavuusseloste | Accessibility Statement