The following images were all created using the prompt "A pixel art image of a happy cat in a libray using the computer for information searching".
An AI image created with DALL-E 2
An AI image created with DreamStudio
An AI image created with StarryAI
AI tools can generate images using natural language commands, similar to how ChatGPT generates text. The operation of image generators is not only based on the material used to teach the system; it is equally important to be able to define the prompt in such a way that the desired result is obtained.
How is this done? The AI is guided by a prompt, which generates the image(s). The prompt should describe not only the subject but also the style in which the image is to be created. Terms such as illustration, photorealistic, high definition, pencil drawing, water colour, oil painting, pixel art, 1920's style, etc. can be used as a definition. Some AI tools have predefined styles from which the user can choose the one they prefer. Further tips on how to make good prompts for generating images.
When using an AI generated image, it is important to mention that it was generated by an AI tool. The user should mention which tool and what kind of prompt was used to create the image.