Instructions for citation with examples can be found in eLAB (Bachelor and Masters).
You can find the information needed for a citation from LAB Primo by clicking on the Citation -button. The Harvard citation style is closest to LAB's citation style, but it's not a 100% accurate so please remember to make the corrections to the citation so it corresponds to the LAB citation style.
Referencing and citing your sources is part of academic writing and good scientific practice. Copyright and good scientific practice give the author the right to be acknowledged for their work when it is used, this acknowledgement is done by referencing. In addition, the references and citations indicate/show to the reader that you have researched your topic and what you base your arguments on. References also show the reader what type of material (books, articles, websites, dissertation etc.) you have used as sources and allows them to evaluate the your text.
How to read a reference?
Author(s). Year of publication. Title of article. Name of journal. Volume (Issue), Page numbers of the article. Cited date of citation. Available at DOI or URL
Author(s) or editor(s). Year of publication. Title. Edition if more than one. Place of publication: Publisher.
Author(s). Year of publication. Title of article or chapter. In Editor(s) of compilation. Title of compilation. Edition if more than one. Place of publication: Publisher. Possible series entry. Pages of the article or chapter. Cited date of citation. Available at DOI or URL
Zotero is a free citation manager that allows you to gather your sources in one place and add references and a bibliography to your text. Get started with Zotero by downloading Zotero app and the Zotero Connector browser add-on from the Zotero website and by creating a Zotero account.
Zotero works with Microsoft Word and Google Docs: