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LUTPub Publication Repository: Submit your publication or other item to LUTPub

Final thesis instructions

Thesis instructions and templates for LUT can be found in eLUT (link opens in a new browser window).

Please ask about degree programme specific final thesis instructions from your supervisor(s) / degree programme.

Submit your publication or other item to LUTPub

Saving publication (eg. article or conference paper) or other item to LUTPub

For collections
  • Scientific publications
  • Professional and popularised publications
  • Research data
  • Teaching and presentation materials

1. Go to LUTPub and Login

Go to LUTPub here. Change the language to English by choosing "in English" link from the top of the page. Log in from "Login" link in "My Account" part. It’s advisable to submit your publication to LUTPub in one session without any interruptions.

Illustration about position of Login link

Choose the lower login link: Haka-login (for LUT University students and staff).

For login use link Haka-login (for LUT University students and staff)

2. Choose the correct collection

Please choose the correct collection. The collection depends on the type of item saved. The publications are saved either to "Scientific publications" or "Professional and popularised publications" collection. There are own collections to Research data and Teaching and presentation materials.

The open access publications from the "Scientific publications" collection are harvested into the OpenAire publication repository. More information about Open science, publishing and managing research data in LUT.

These instructions demonstrate how to submit an scientific article to LUTPub. So, select the "Scientific publications" collection from the list.

Illustration about choosing Scientific publications collection

3. Start saving

Start saving by pressing "Submit a new item to this collection".

Illustration about submitting new item to collection link

4. Describe the publication

Describe your publication by filling the form. The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*). The phases of the saving process are shown at the top of the page. Some of the fields are guided belo


Add authors one by one, last and first names in each field. More author fields can be added by pressing "Add".


Add the abstract and its translations here, each in separate field. More fields can be added by pressing "Add".


Enter the keywords or phrases both in English and Finnish, each keyword in separate field. More fields can be added by pressing Add.


Add the citation of the publication. E.g.: Author, 1., Author, 2., Author 3. (Year). Title of publication. Journal title, Vol X, Issue Y. p. zz-cc. DOI: 10.110/123.456

URL of the dataset

If there is a dataset related to this publication, you can save the URL of it here.

Version of the publication

Select the version of this publication from a dropdown menu. This field is especially for the parallel saved publications.

OpenAire publication type

For the EU's OpenAire database, select the publication type from the dropdown menu.

OpenAire publication version

For the EU's OpenAire database, select the version of this publication from the dropdown menu.


Choose the licence for this publication. You can select how your publication can be reused or reserve all rights for yourself. More information from Copyright -guide and  Creative Commons -licences.


If the access to the files associated with your publication will be restricted, please add the date here. Leave the field empty if files can be published right away.

After describing select "Next".

5. Upload the file(s)

Upload the files one by one by pressing "Browse" and selecting the file(s) from your computer. Your can also add the description of the file.

Notice! In the filename do not use a dot or special characters (~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ` ; < > ? , [ ] { } ' " | ). Also avoid letters "ä", "ö", "å", "ü" etc. if possible.

If you want to upload multiple files (eg. appendices) choose "Upload file & add another". After upload continue by pressing "Next".

Illustration about uploading file to submission

6. Review submission

Please review your submission. On this page you can correct any of the fields by pressing "Correct one of these". After checking click the "Next" button at the end of the page.

7. Grant the licence

Your next step is to grant the distribution license. Otherwise you can’t continue with the LUTPub saving process. Check the "I grant the Licence" and continue by pressing "Next".

Illustration about granting the distribution licence

8. Done

Your publication has now been uploaded and it will go through the review process by library staff. You will receive an e-mail notification as soon as your publication is saved into the collection selected, or if there are any problems with your saving process. You may also check the status of your publication by visiting "Submissions" page.

Saavutettavuusseloste | Accessibility Statement