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Saving theses to LUTPub

Learn the guidelines of LUT for theses

The current guidelines of LUT University for the thesis and thesis template are available in eLUT portal (link opens in new browser window). There are own subpages for bachelor's thesis (link opens in new browser window) and for master's thesis (link opens in new browser window). Please note, that also the theses for the double and triple degree programmes are written on LUT's thesis template.

NOTE! If your submission does not include pdf-file and you do not agree your thesis to be published online, please send the pdf file of your thesis to the library by e-mail lutpub(at) However, save your thesis description to LUTPub. Send the pdf file also to LUT Student Services by e-mail graduation(at) for assessment.

Check the file of your thesis before uploading and saving

Please read the library's checklist (link opens in new browser window) and make possible changes before saving your thesis in LUTPub. We have included in the checklist the issues to which we pay attention in our publication review.
Note: when the library publishes the thesis you have saved to LUTPub, the pdf is immediately available for download from the open network.

Accessibility of the thesis file

Accessibility promotes equality and the easy approach of digital services despite possible disabilities e.g. challenges in hearing, seeing or reading. Accessibility requirements are included in the law and they also apply to thesis. The student is responsible for the accessibility of the thesis file.

Information how to create accessible documents are available e.g. in Michigan State University's site (link opens in new browser window).

LUT thesis template (MS Word) is available in eLUT portal. It meets the accessibility criteria. 

The thesis file and permission to upload it to LUTPub

Permission for uploading

You must have the publishing permission from the 1st examiner before saving the thesis to LUTPub and the thesis needs to be totally ready. Once saved thesis cannot be changed, edited or removed. When the library publishes the thesis you have saved to LUTPub, the pdf is immediately available for download from the open network. If an error is found in the content of the thesis after publication in LUTPub, error(s) correction is made by creating an Errata document. If you notice something in your thesis right after publishing or you have uploaded the wrong version of thesis, please contact immediatelly


The file to upload

Before uploading to LUTPub make assessible PDF/A file of your thesis. If you have written your thesis on the Word or LaTeX thesis template (link opens in new browser window) available in eLUT, it takes into account the accessibility criteria. Appendix 3 of the template provides guidance on alt texts for images and tables.

How to make PDF/A file in Word:

1. Open your thesis' file in Word. 

2. Choose 'File' > 'Export' > 'Create PDF/XPS'.

3. In 'Publish as PDF or XPS' window choose 'Options.

4. Choose 'PDF/A compliant' below title 'PDF options'. > 'OK'.

5. Choose 'Publish'.


How to make PDF/A file in LaTeX: instructions of Tampere University (link opens in new window)


Please check the PDF/A file: text layout and formatting are as should be, page numbering is visible and no blank pages have been formed in the pdf/a file. 

Naming the thesis file

Name the pdf file of your thesis as follows: type_lastname_firstname.pdf, example mastersthesis_example_eric.pdf

Please don't use in the name of file a dot or any special characters like (~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ` ; < > ? , [ ] { } ' " | ) 

Also avoid letters like ä, ö, å, ü etc. if possible. Example: use a instead of å and u instead of ü, space can be replaced with _

Select the licence to your thesis

During the thesis submission you can define other users' rights to your thesis. Please get to know to Creative Commons licences (link opens in new browser window) before saving your thesis to LUTPub. 

  • "All rights reserved" - normal rights conferred by copyright law. Others may refer to your thesis.

  • Creative Commons (link opens in new browser window) - you have copyrights to your thesis and you define the terms and conditions under which your thesis may be edited and shared.