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Saving theses to LUTPub

Information on embargo, or delayed publication, from the library's point of view

According to the law, a thesis is a public document. This means that the description and abstract of the thesis are openly available on LUTPub, and the thesis file is accessible on LUTPub or upon request. At LUT, you can agree to a delayed publication. However, please ensure that the thesis file uploaded to LUTPub does not contain any confidential content. If necessary, discuss your thesis with your supervisor.

If you have agreed to a delayed publication of your thesis, please specify the embargo date after which the thesis file can be accessed on LUTPub when saving your thesis to LUTPub. The publication delay may not exceed 2 years. If someone requests to read your thesis from the library during the embargo period, it will be treated as a document request, and we will send a PDF/A file of your thesis to the requester via email.

1. Choose collection and start saving

Go to LUTPub (link opens in new browser window). At the top right corner is link 'Login'.

Choose login method 'Haka-login (for LUT University students and staff)' and use your student id for it.

Choose correct collection: 'Bachelor's theses', 'Master's theses' or 'Licentiate theses'.

On the collection page you can find the link 'Submit a new item to this collection'.


NOTE! If your submission does not include pdf-file and you do not agree your thesis to be published online, please send the pdf file of your thesis to the library by e-mail lutpub(at) However, save your thesis description to LUTPub. Send the pdf file also to LUT Student Services by e-mail graduation(at) for assessment.

2. Describe your thesis

Add the description information of your thesis to the LUTPub item submission form either by selecting with mouse, writing or copying text from the text file of your thesis. Some description information is accompanied by instructions on the submission form. If some information is mandatory, it is marked with an asterisk (*).

Type of the thesis *

Select the type of your thesis with the mouse.

Degree programme *

Select your degree programme with the mouse.

Author(s) *

Write your last name and first name in the fields reserved for them and select the 'Add' button. 

Title *

Write the title of your thesis (in writing language) in the field reserved for it. If the title has a sub-title, the correct way to write is The title : the sub-title.

Alternative title 

Leave this field empty.

Date *

Write the year from your thesis PDF/A file to field 'Year'. Leave fields 'Month' and 'Day' empty.

Language *

Select the writing language of your thesis with the mouse.

Abstract(s) *

Copy the abstract text with the writing language from the text file of your thesis to this field. Before copying, please remove the formatting from the text, such as hyphenation and manual line brakes. Choose button 'Add'. Note! After adding the abstract, text appears below the field without any formatting.

If your thesis has abstract with some other language, add it the same way.  


Add the keywords from the abstract of your thesis one by one to LUTPub. Use lowercases, nouns may start with big initial.

Add keywords in the same order in which they are in your abstract. If you type the keywords, press 'Enter' after each, type the next one and press 'Enter'. Keep doing this until you have written all of your keywords to input field. If you copy keywords from your abstract, copy them one at a time to LUTPub. When all the keywords of your thesis are in the keywords input field, choose the 'Add' button. 
All keywords will appear below the input field. 
Alternatively, you can add keywords one by one: type (or copy) the keyword to input field, press 'Enter' and select 'Add'. Keep doing this until all keywords are added to LUTPub.

Focus areas *

Choose the LUT strategic focus area of your thesis. If your thesis is related to several of them, please press Ctrl-button down and select the correct ones. 

Number of pages

Add here the last page number visible in the thesis' PDF/A file.

Licence *

Choose one of the available ones. Information to support the selection can be found in the library guide (link opens in new browser window), for example. If necessary, talk to your supervisor.


The thesis is a public document by law. However, if you have agreed on a delayed publication, please complete the date here, after which your thesis can be downloaded from LUTPub. NOTE! The publication delay may not exceed 2 years.


Continue to the next step by selecting the button' 'Next >'.

3. Upload the PDF/A file of your thesis

Please upload your thesis' PDF/A file to your item submission in page 'Upload File(s)'. We don't publish text files.

Leave the field 'File Description' empty.

Continue to the next step by selecting the button' 'Next >'.

4. Review

Check the information you entered on the page 'Review Submission'. If necessary, you can modify description items and/or change PDF/A file by choosing button 'Correct one of these'.

When everything is in order, continue the submission by selecting the button 'Next >'.

5. Accept the distribution licence and complete the submission

You can complete the item submission by reading and accepting the distribution license: tick the box 'I Grant the License'.

Finally, select the button 'Complete submission'.

Item submission is ready and has moved to the library's work queue to wait for the publication review. Please note that there is a longer delay in handling theses submissions and responding to emails during the library's summer and Christmas holidays.

You can follow the processing of your thesis in LUTPub on the 'Submissions' page. 

Saavutettavuusseloste | Accessibility Statement