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Research Data Management in LUT Universities: FAIR

Research Data in LUT Universities

LUT University and LAB University of Applied Sciences are committed to the principles of openness in their research, innovation and publishing activities as well as to the national Declaration for Open Science and Research (Finland) 2020-2025.

Good research data management must be ensured from the beginning of the research process and the data must be made usable and findable according to the FAIR principles. LUT Universities recommend creating a data management plan and taking care of the description data (metadata) in all research projects.

Search for Repositories

OpenDOAR - Directory of Open Access Repositories
Re3Data - Registry of Research Data Repositories

FAIR Principles

FAIR data principles

Figure: Sangya Pundir Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0)

According to the FAIR principles, the data should be



  • Persistent identifier
  • Findable metadata


  • Commonly used file formats
  • Interoperable standards


  • Authentication and authorization are defined
  • Metadata are accessible, even when the data are no longer available


  • Clear and accessible rights and licences
  • Data is well described

Reference:, FORCE11


IDA - Research Data Storage

Etsin - Research Data Finder

Qvain - Research Dataset Description Tool

AVAA - Open Data Publishing Platform

CSC Data Management playlist in YouTube - Research Datasets

Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD) - Service infrastructure for research data

Aila - Search service of FSD

EUDAT - Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI): Data management, access, re-use, preservation and analysis service

Zenodo - Research data repository

eDuuni - Collaboration environment

DMPTuuli - Tool for making data management plans

Open Science and Research in LUT Universities

LUT Academic Library's services for Open Science and Research

Saavutettavuusseloste | Accessibility Statement