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Research Data Management in LUT Universities: Data Management Planning

Data Management Planning

Open research data and methods. National policy and executive plan by the higher education and research community for 2021-2025. Policy component 1: Open access to research data

Online Course

CSC's self-study "Research Data Management" online course


The Elements of FAIR video series by CSC:

Data Management and Research Life Cycle


Figure 1. Research Life Cycle and Data Management Life Cycle as separate but synchronous processes. CC-BY UH Data Support.

Data Life Cycle


Figure 2. Research data life cycle.

Funders' Requirements and Recommendations

Always check the current requirements from the funder's guidance! Below are links to the most common funder's guidance.

Academy of Finland:

Business Finland:

Horizon Europe:

European Research Council:



  • DMPTuuli tool is a tool for writing and exporting a data management plan. Using this tool is recommended by LUT and LAB.
  • DMPTuuli includes up-to-date templates for the most common funder's requirements.
  • Go the DMPTuuli ( and log in with your organization’s username and password (HAKA login). This way you get to use your own organization’s instructions and guidance. LUT and LAB has their own examples and guidance.

How to create a dmp using the DMPTuuli tool?

(by University of Helsinki, Tuuli office)

Contact persons

  • LUT: Ilkka Nokelainen and Sanna Saarinen
  • LAB: Riikka Sinisalo and Johanna Kiviluoto

LUT Academic Library comments the DMPs

LUT Academic Library offers guidance for Data Management Plans and comments the DMP's typically during the research funding application periods. We avoid offering the ready answers and we do not write plans on behalf of the applicant but we advice on the best practices and decision making concerning the data management. In some funding applications the organisation accepts the DMP before the funding is paid. We in the library give the acceptance concerning the DMP.

Practical guidance

  • Always check the funder's guidance and requirements concerning the data management plan related to the current funding application.
  • The best file format is the doc-file, in which we can comment directly. Pdf format is not the best option.
  • Try to be as specific as possible, describe your choices clearly and avoid listing possible options. Avoid direct copying the best practices and examples to your plan.
  • Remember to update your DMP when the project goes on especially if your plans are changed or refined.
  • If you have made the DMP using the DMPTuuli tool use the export function and send the DMP using e-mail instead of adding library staff to as collaborators in DMPTuuli.
  • Send your DMP to the to be commented.