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Research Data Management in LUT Universities: Glossary


A brief dictonary of commonly used terms and abbreviations in research data management


Removing or altering the personally identifiable information from research data in such a way that it is not possible to identify persons. In pseudonymization these information is altered to a code which can be opened with a separate key.


Creative Commons; An organization that provides free licences that defines how to reuse a copyrighted material. The CC licences enable the free distribution, for example, of a copyrighted research data.


A legal right that grants the creator of an original work. It protects the product but not ideas or information. The research data does not always have copyright but it can include data which is protected with copyright.


IT Centre for Science Ltd.; A non-profit state enterprise which provide several research management services in Finland. CSC maintains the Fairdata services and offers materials and support for research data management.


Research data. In any form of measurements, facts, results or observations collected by researcher or others, including the metadata. Usually in a digital form.

Data champion

Data champion is a member in the organisation who advise other members of the research community on proper handling of research data. This person has knowledge about practices in the research data management in the organisation or in the field of science.

Data steward

A person who is responsible for ensuring the quality of the organization's datasets, handling and policies. This person is also responsible for data handling practices and utilization of data management services in the organization.


In a publication channel published article which describes shortly about the research data and data gathering and how to reuse it.


Data Management Plan. An updating document describing how the research data is gathered, handled, documented and secured during and after the research project. Usually a mandatory part or an appendix of a research plan.


A tool for making a data management plan. DMPTuuli includes the question templates of major funders and some institutional guidance and examples produced by organisation like LUT or LAB.


Digital Object Identifier; one type of permanent identifier for e.g. research datasets


Data protection impact assessment describes a process designed to identify risks arising out of the processing of personal data and to minimize these risks, demonstrating compliance with the GDPR.


European Open Science Cloud; EU's network and virtual environment which gathers services for open science including research data management services.


Research Dataset Finder, a part of Fairdata Services


EUDAT CDI (Collaborative Data Infrastructure); An infrastructure of integrated data services and resources supporting research


The good research data management is based on the FAIR principles. The data should be findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable within a secure and trustworthy environment.


A collection of the digital preservation services of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland provided by the CSC. The Fairdata services consist of the IDA, Etsin, Qvain and the Fairdata PAS services.


A file format. A standard way of storing a knowledge.


Finnish Social Science Data Archive; A free of charge service infrastructure  for learning, teaching and research purposes.


The General Data Protection Regulations is an EU law that concerns the privacy and data protection of all citizens in the EU and the European Economic Area (EEA).


Research data storage service; A part of the Fairdata services

LAB Data

A data archive for LAB University of Applied Sciences (coming in 2021)


A license is an agreement that allows you to reuse digital material. For example, the use of the open research data can be determined by Creative Commons licenses. Using open licences does not mean waiving copyright.


A descriptive information of the data. "The data about the data". Structured information describing the context, content and structure of the information and its management and processing throughout its life cycle.

Metadata format

Predefined vocabulary for describing the research data. For example, Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI), Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) or OVAIN metadata model.


Metadata warehouse, containing metadata of Finnish research datasets


Data ownership refers to both the possession of and responsibility for information. Defined usually in project agreements. Funders may have conditions regarding the ownership of the research data.


Long term preservation (in Finnish Pitkäaikaissäilytys) for research data; Preserving the digital information for decades or centuries. A service Fairdata PAS for preserving research data.


Persistent identifier for a digital information. For example, DOI or URN are types of persistent identifiers..


Research Dataset Description Tool, A part of the Fairdata services.


Research Data Management


A system for storing a digital content, for example research datasets. The research data is stored and described in a data repository and the access rights to it is defined. A data repository is also known as a data library or data archive..

Research ethics

Ethical views and evaluations related in the scientific research and science in general. Guidelines for research ethics specify the basic norms and values of the research community. It also means the compliance of responsible and ethically correct practices and also identifying and combating scientific violations and dishonest practices.


Uniform Resource Name; one type of permanent identifier for e.g. research datasets


More abbreviations and definitions can be found here:


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