Theseus' instructions for naming a file is Surname_Firstname, e.g. "Student_Steve.pdf". If the thesis has more than one author, the file is named with the authors’ surnames, e.g. "Surname1_Surname2_Surname3.pdf". Allowed characters are 1-9, a-z, A-Z, _, - and space. Do not use Scandic letters, i.e. Å, Ä and Ö.
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If the thesis is not published in Theseus, it will be submitted to the LAB archive. The thesis submitted to the archive and the thesis stored in the restricted collection are still available for reading on request. The description of the thesis is stored in the LUT Academic Library database, making the information of the thesis publicly available.
When you save your thesis to Theseus, you can define how you will allow your thesis to be used. Please find out more about the licences before saving.