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Open Science Online Course

LUT University's policies on OA

LUT University's policy on open access publishing

  • LUT encourages responsible open access publishing in all research and project work. 
  • Open access channels should be favoured. In addition to openness, quality, reliability and expediency should also be taken into consideration: research results should be published in the most favourable channels for the university and for the researchers’ qualifications.  
  • LUT recommends making other than open access publications open through self-archiving.
  • LUT requires that all non-open access scientific publications are self-archived in the LUTPub repository.
  • LUT's own publishing channels are open access and CC-BY-SA-licensed.
  • LUT University’s doctoral dissertations are published openly in the LUTPub repository.

Self-archiving in LUT

Self-archiving (parallel publishing) a manuscript in an institutional repository (i.e. LUTPub) is one option to make the article Open Access.

When you want your publication to be parallel published in the LUTPub university repository, do as follows:

  1. Preserve the last peer-reviewed manuscript (e.g. final draft/post-print/author's accepted manuscript (AAM) version) as well as the pre-print of your publication. See the definitions of different article versions here.
  2. Add the publication information (metadata) to LUT Research Portal.
  3. Choose a Creative Commons -licence needed or recommended by the publisher. You can also reserve all rights. The publisher may require the use of a specific license.
  4. Send the pdf document of your publication by e-mail to to be parallel published. The parallel publishing can be done after the official publishing of the publication. Specify which article version is attached. Alternatively, you can save the manuscript pdf to LUTPub yourself.

The LUT Academic Library will check the parallel publishing permissions from the Sherpa/RoMEO -service and the publisher's policy. The library adds the metadata and manuscript to the LUTPub repository and updates the corresponding Open Access information to the LUT Research Portal.

Publishing outside LUT

Open Access publishing with APC's

If it is essential to publish in an Open Access journal that requires Article Processing Charges (APC), these fees should be included in the research budget.

According to the agreements by the FinELib consortium and publishers, the researchers of Finnish universities have the opportunity to publish their articles in certain publishers' journals without APC's, or in some cases with a reduced payment.

Information on publisher-specific APC agreements and practices can be found in a separate Open Access publishing with APC -guide.