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Following journals: BrowZine

Tools to help you follow journals and articles

BrowZine for LUT & LAB



BrowZine helps you to follow academic journal titles of interest and be notified when new articles are published.

Journals are arranged alphabetically to scroll to find a title by name. Or sort the view by Journal Rank to quickly see the top titles in any subject area.

BrowZine Collections

What is BrowZine?

BrowZine delivers thousands of academic journals to your Web Browser, iPad, iPhone or Android tablet.

BrowZine works by organizing the articles found in Open Access and subscription databases, uniting them into complete journals, then arranging these journals on a common newsstand. You can

  • Browse new journal issues in one app
  • Read new articles online on your computer, tablet or phone
  • E-mail them in one step
  • Download and save them to your tablet for offline reading
  • Send them to RefWorks, EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, Dropbox, and other services
  • Share citations and your comments on Twitter or Facebook.

The result is an easy and familiar way to browse, read and monitor scholarly journals across disciplines. Use BrowZine to keep up easily with the newest article research in your field.

BrowZine Bookshelf

BrowZine Bookshelf

  • Organize your favorite journals in one place
  • Helps you stay updated in your research field
  • Choose the "Add to My Bookshelf" button when viewing a journal to add that title to My Bookshelf
  • Organize bookshelf by moving the journals between multiple "shelves" and "bookcases" as well as renaming the shelves and bookcases
  • Login and your device will automatically sync and display red bubbles indicating that you have new articles available in that journal.
  • Order an e-mail notification to see if new articles have been published in any of the journals you are following on you My Bookshelf

My Bookshelf and BrowZine Account FAQ on Third Iron´s webpage.

Articles in Press

Many publishers make articles available before they are formally published in a journal volume and issue. BrowZine makes these articles easily accessible in our Articles in Press section.

In BrowZine Web, Articles in Press appears on the left, just below the journal cover image. In the mobile apps, select a journal and then tap Available Issues to see Articles in Press.

The article alert feature of My Bookshelf includes Articles in Press, ensuring you are notified of all the new research as soon as it is made available. Once you mark an Article in Press article as "read" it stays that way, so you are not notified twice when the article makes its way to a formal issue.

BrowZine App

BrowZine app is available for both IoS and Android devices. Refer to this page for more information on how to download the app to your mobile / tablet devices.

  • Select the institution:
    LUT University or
    LAB University of Applied Sciences.
  • Enter your LUT or LAB log-in credentials.
  • Start Browsing/Searching.

Tutorial video: BrowZine Application Walkthrough

To notice!

If the account´s confirmation e-mail does not arrive in a few minutes, please check your Junk Mail folder.

When to use other resources

When to use other resources

  • When you want to do in depth research. The BrowZine interface only displays recent issues of journals and it does not include a function for searching within or across journals.
  • When an online scholarly journal is not yet accessible via BrowZine. BrowZine currently has agreements with a wide range of scholarly publishers but not necessarily all that provide journals available online at LUT or LAB.
  • When you want to do light reading. BrowZine only includes scholarly journals and not popular magazines or newspapers.
  • When a journal is not yet available in an online format. Many disciplines have publications that are only available in print.
  • When you are looking for articles in Finnish language.

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