There isn't a limit of how many times you can renew a loan, but instead there is a maximum renewal date after which the loan cannot be renewed. You can find the maximum renewal date from the loan information in LUT Primo or LAB Primo. The due date moves forward 14 or 28 days from the day you renew your loans so you can renew as many times as you want to during the maximum loan period. The loan must be returned to the library once the maximum renewal date is reached or if someone has requested the item. Please note that short loans (1-day loan period) cannot be renewed.
To check the maximum renewal date of your loan:
- Log in to Primo with your university ID.
- Click on your name (in the upper right corner) and select "My Loans" from the dropdown menu.
- Click on the bar on the right side of the book name to open up more information, you can find the maximum renewal date there.