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Frequently Asked Questions


You can borrow items from the customer service desk during service hours with a valid photo ID.
LUT and LAB students and staff can download the Tuudo application, that has a digital library card, to their mobile device.
Try brightening the screen as this makes the barcode more visible so it's easier for the machine to read. You can also try tapping the barcode which will make it bigger and easier to read.
Please visit the customer service desk during service hours or email us at or, so we can figure out the problem together.
You can also check from the Primo search service that your fines are not over 15 euros as that leads to suspension of borrowing rights. If you do have over 15 euros fines you can pay them online via Primo search service.
If the gates sound an alarm please return to the self-service lending machine or the customer service desk and borrow your loans again. It's likely that something went wrong when first borrowing the items.
When there is more than 15 euros in unpaid fines or if loans are more than 28 days overdue.
To regain your borrowing rights you have to return the overdue items and pay the accrued fines in full. The overdue fines cannot be paid in installments.
Almost all materials are available for home loan. Exceptions to this include the reference collection and Lappeenranta library's print journals and magazines. Materials that are not available for loan, can be used in the library.
The loan periods vary from four weeks to one day depending on the collection. You can check the loan period for a particular title from the Primo search service.
Yes, loan periods are longer during the summer when the libraries are closed.


Yes, the loans can be renewed unless another customer has requested the material, your borrowing rights have been suspended or the maximum loan period has been reached. You can renew your loans via the Primo search service, Tuudo application or coming to the library during service times. You can also contact us via email and we can renew your loans for you.
Please note that short loans cannot be renewed.
Yes, you can. However the new due date will be calculated from the renewal day, not the original due date so if you renew the book two days after you've borrowed it, you will only get a two day extension to the due date.
There isn't a limit of how many times you can renew a loan, but instead there is a maximum renewal date after which the loan cannot be renewed. You can find the maximum renewal date from the loan information in LUT Primo or LAB Primo. The due date moves forward 14 or 28 days from the day you renew your loans so you can renew as many times as you want to during the maximum loan period. The loan must be returned to the library once the maximum renewal date is reached or if someone has requested the item. Please note that short loans (1-day loan period) cannot be renewed.

To check the maximum renewal date of your loan:
  1. Log in to Primo with your university ID.
  2. Click on your name (in the upper right corner) and select "My Loans" from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the bar on the right side of the book name to open up more information, you can find the maximum renewal date there.
It might be that someone has requested the item, the loans have reached their maximum renewal date, or that your borrowing rights have been suspended due to overdue fines.