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Frequently Asked Questions

Requests & material from the other campus

You can make a request via the Primo search service. Log in, search for the item you want to request, click on request button and then select the pick-up location. You will receive an email notification once the request is available for pickup.
You can make requests for printed books and magazines. Requests can be made for items that are on loan and that are in the library. Short-term loans with a 24-hour loan period and magazines in the Lappeenranta library cannot be requested. You cannot make requests for items that you already have on loan.
Requests are kept on the hold shelf for pick-up for 7 days. Interlibrary loans are kept until the due date. Please contact the library if you cannot pick-up your requests within the 7 days.
You will receive an email notification once your request is available for pick-up. The email also includes your personal request ID. The requests are arranged alphabetically according to request IDs on the hold shelf. Please note that you can only borrow the items that are reserved for you so make sure you pick-up the correct items from the hold shelf.
The requests are free. You can also request books from Lahti to Lappeenranta and vice versa for free. Interlibrary loans however will be charged according to the current price list .
Don't worry, you don't need to visit the other campus to get the book (though you can if you want to). The quickest way to get the book is to sign in to Primo search service and make a request for the book you want to borrow. Just select your campus as the pick-up location and we will send the book there. You will receive an email notification once the book is ready for pick-up. Remember to borrow the book when you pick it up. Please note that it usually takes up to a week to receive the book.

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