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Frequently Asked Questions

LAB's theses

When you upload your thesis to Theseus, you will create the URN as part of the uploading process. If you forgot to save the URN while doing so, you can find the URN in Theseus once the library has processed and published your thesis. Look for the URN in the collection where you uploaded your thesis: either the LAB's open Theseus collection or the restricted collection.
As soon as your thesis is published, a PDF icon appears in Theseus. After a few minutes, it will automatically update to an image of your thesis cover page. If your thesis is published in the restricted collection of Theseus, the PDF icon will not be replaced by the cover page image of your thesis at all.
Section 4.3 of LAB's thesis guidelines for bachelor's and master's degree instructs: 'A student of LAB University of Applied Sciences uploads the thesis report to Theseus in case the thesis work has been conducted in co-operation with a student from another student from another university of applied sciences. In this case, the thesis report to be saved always has a LAB title page.". Thesis guidelines for bachelor's and master's theses can be found from the Thesis page of the eLAB.
By law, a thesis is a public document, so there are no confidental theses. Section 4.3 of LAB's thesis guidelines for bachelor's and master's degree provides instructions on how to deal with any confidential content. Thesis guidelines for bachelor's and master's theses can be found from the Thesis page of eLAB.
You can read the theses from the restricted collection at either the Lappeenranta or Lahti campus libraries during customer service hours. If you are unable to visit the libraries, please contact
A valid LAB student ID is required for Theseus uploading. Most likely you have already been marked as a graduate on Peppi, you are not registered as present student, or there is something wrong with your student ID. If your student ID has already been closed, you will no longer be able to upload your thesis to Theseus. Please contact
Only PDF files can be uploaded to Theseus. If you have saved your thesis in another format, e.g. a Word file, please change your thesis to a PDF file (pdf/a recommended). Check and, if necessary, modify the PDF file before saving it to Theseus. Sometimes when saving to PDF format, page numbering disappears from view (important in source referencing), page breaks move to odd places and blank pages appear at the end of the PDF. For more information, see the Theseus instructions Converting your thesis to a PDF file.

LUT's theses

You will find the URN in LUTPub once the library has processed and published your thesis. Look for the URN in the collection where you uploaded your thesis: either in the Bachelor's theses collection or the Master's theses collection. If your thesis is not among the first to appear on the collection page, you can search for it with your own name. Select your thesis. On the page that opens, you will see the URN below the heading 'The permanent address of the publication is'.
The thesis published in LUTPub cannot be edited afterwards. If an error is found in the content of the thesis after publication in LUTPub, an error(s) correction is made by creating an Errata document. Instructions can be found in the library guide.
As soon as your thesis is published, a PDF icon appears in LUTPub. After a few minutes, it will automatically update to an image of your thesis cover page.
Thesis files have only been uploaded in the LUTPub publication repository since 1 August 2014. Even after this date, students have been able to print their thesis as a book if they wished. Please check LUT Primo to see if we have the thesis as a printed book. If it is, and you are our customer, you can come and borrow it. If not, you can request it for interlibrary loan through your own library. Please see our web site for more information about interlibrary loans (you need to scroll the page). If you cannot find a printed copy of the thesis in LUT Primo, please contact the library at