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Copyright: Open publishing

About open publishing

In the following you can find information about the perspective of copyright to open publishing, especially to parallel publishing of scientific articles. In addition, information about Creative Commons licences is also available.

The copyright belongs to the author

According to effective copyright laws in Finland, the copyright belongs to the author (Copyright Act 8.7.1961/404). This is the case even if the author worked for an institution, such as a university, when the article was written; and no other agreement was made. If the work, for example an article or publication, has several authors, the copyright belongs to all of them.

Copyright and LUTPub

Publishing a parallel version of an article in LUTPub Repository does not affect the author's copyrights. The copyrights are not transferred to LUTPub.

OA publishing with APC

Regarding the agreements by FinELib consortium and publishers, the reseachers of LUT University have the opportunity to publish their articles openly in certain publishers' journals, either free of article processing charges (APC) or with a discounted price.

Information on publisher-specific APC payment terms and practices can be found in this library guide: Open Access publishing with APC.

Permissions required for parallel publishing

Permissions from the other authors

If you are an author of a joint publication, you need to confirm the other authors' permission for parallel publishing the article in the LUTPub University Repository. It is advisable that the authors agree on parallel publishing already at the writing stage.

Permissions to the content you have not produced

An article can include material, for example images and graphics, that is under copyright of a third party. Ensure permission to their use simultaneously both in the original publishing platform and in the LUTPub Repository.

Permission from the publisher / journal

In most cases information about publisher's copyright and parallel publishing policy can be checked at the Open policy finder database. In addition this policy can often be found on the publisher's website. Permission for parallel publishing can also be asked directly from the publisher.

Article versions

Version Pre-print Post-print Publisher's PDF
Definition The version of an article before peer review, submitted to the publisher.

The author's final version of an article that has been peer reviewed. Publisher's layout and page numbers excluded.

The publisher's final, published, version of an article.


author-submitted article / author’s draft / pre-refereeing / submitted version final draft / accepted article / author's accepted manuscript / author's post-print final published article / published journal article / publisher´s PDF /  publisher's version

Open policy finder service

Open policy finder is a service where you can check the policy on parallel publishing of big international publishers and scholarly journals.

At the service you can search either by using the journal title or the publisher's name. After you have written the journal title, you will receive information about the journal's default policy on parallel publishing, in other words whether parallel publishing is allowed, and if so, on what conditions.

Creative Commons licences

Creative Commons (CC) licences are suitable for use in publishing all open content and material, excluding computer software, which have their own licences.

Publishing with Creative Commons licences does not mean giving up copyrights. It means offering a part of the rights to the user, but only under certain terms and conditions, which the author defines him- or herself.

More information about CC licences from this tab: Creative Commons licences.

Reference: Creative Commons

Publications in social media

Scientific publications can also be shared in social media. These services include for example ResearchGate, and Mendeley.

Sharing the original publications via social media is protected by the copyright. Researchers have to take care of the copyright issues also when sharing the publications through these forums.

In most cases the copyright policy of the publisher or the journal can be checked in Open policy finder or on the publisher’s website.

How can I share it? is a service where you can find information on which version of the research publication can be shared, for example, on social media platforms.

Saavutettavuusseloste | Accessibility Statement