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Etäyksikön kirjastopalvelut: Library remote services

LUTin tai LABin etäyksikössä opiskelevalle tai työskentelevälle tarjottavat kirjastopalvelut.


The students and staff of LUT and LAB can use e-resources (databases, e-books, e-journals etc.) in Primo search services (LUT Primo / LAB Primo). The use of e-resources is possible, when you login with your university user account (HAKA login). You can do searches in Primo, but also in the user interfaces of databases.

If you have any problems with your user account and password, please, contact IS&T:

Staff can contact IS&T via e-mail or through the service portal.

LUT user account can be activated using bank authentication (you have to have Finnish bank account): account activation.


Information service

The information service of LUT Academic Library serves the students and staff of LUT and LAB also remotely. The Library staff guides customers in the matters of information searching and information resources free of charge.

If you need help with information seeking please contact us at You can also book a 30-minute information searching guidance using the web form. The guidance can be arranged remotely.

LibGuides help in many cases, e.g. when you are interested in citing, copyright, standards, e-books or open science. 

In LUT Moodle there is the course called Information searching. Completing the course helps you to find reliable information and to use databases.

Lending services

As a distance student, you should prefer electronic material provided by your university and printed material which is available in the libraries of your neighbouring area (Turku University Library etc.). If you need a printed book which is available only in LUT Academic Library, you can use interlibrary lending services in your near library, which orders the book from Lappeenranta. Note, that interlibrary lending service is subject to charge.

If a distance staff member needs printed materials from LUT Academic Library, please contact:

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