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LUT Research Portal: Add new Reseach Output based on DOI

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Add new Research Output using DOI

Add new Research Output using DOI from CrossRef

If you have a working Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for your published publication, you can import some of the details from CrossRef using the DOI identifier.

DOI is a permanent identifier for digital content, for e.g. publications. CrossRef stores key metadata of some publications if the publisher has been registered to CrossRef.

Log in to the portal with your LUT user account and click "Add new" button from the top right corner of the Dashboard. Select "Research output" from the Research outputs -menu.

Select the publication type from the list.

Once you click on the desired publication type, a form will open, allowing you to add information related to the publication in the various tabs that appear at the top. 

Scroll down to a DOI field and add the DOI identifier to a field without any prefixes. The correct form is for example 10.110/123.456. Then click "Get details from CrossRef".

The system imports the details available to the template based on the information available in the CrossRef database.

After import you can change the imported details, even the publication type.

Fill the rest of the form, mandatory fields are marked with asterisk (*).

More details and hint texts can be seen in the form.

Save by clicking Save button and move to the Thematic Classification tab for more mandatory fields



Finally, click Save & Close button.

Select status "Non-validated" if you want to edit this publication later. In this status publication is not public and it will not be counted to statistics in LUT.

If you have filled all the mandatory information, set the status “For validation by library”. The record will appear to the library to be validated.

Note: in this workflow status you will not be able to edit the record anymore, however you will see it in your publication list and can access and review the edit page, but you can send a "Request change" to the library if something needs to be changed.

Request change button in Browse -view (at the top of the page) Request change -button in the Edit -view (at the bottom of the page)

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