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LUT Research Portal: Basic Principles

Instructions for using LUT Research Portal

Basic Principles

Basic principles for adding all types of content

For all input templates in the LUT Research Portal there are some basic principles:

All content is added using the Add new button in the top right corner. Logged in users can add new content to the system.

Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*). If mandatory fields are not filled the system will inform you when saving and changing a status. The maximum length is shown on the bottom right corner.


Mandatory field
Input template and the fields may be divided to several tabs. If the tab contains mandatory fields the asterisk (*) is shown in the tab header.
Some information is connected using relation. You need to relate existing content (LUT staff's business cards, Journals, Organizations etc.) by pressing a blue + sign and search the correct entity from the system.

Some fields require selecting correct option from the dropdown menu or using radio buttons.

Some fields require a predefined format to add information. Read the hint texts next to the field.


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