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LAB Guide to Publishing and Open Science: Reporting your publications

About publication data collection in Finland

The purpose of the Ministry of Education and Culture for collecting publication data from higher education institutions, research institutions and university hospitals is to produce a knowledge base on the research activities and the social impact of the Finnish research system. The Ministry uses the publication data collected from higher education institutions not only as a knowledge base for calculating the basic funding allocated to universities and universities of applied sciences, but also for otherwise monitoring research and development activities.

For data collection, the publications are classified based on features such as their format (publication type classification), scientific quality (Publication forum) and contents (field of scientific classification). Classifications are used in an attempt to harmonise the knowledge base required for evaluating the publication activities of Finnish research organisations. The purpose of the publication data collected and the classifications applied to them is also to serve as a general national standard for outlining publication activities not only in the monitoring of research activities, but also in materials such as researcher CVs or publication lists attached to funding applications.

(Source: Ministry of Education and Culture’s Publication data collection instructions for researchers.)

Types of publication

Publications can be coarsely divided into six groups based on their purpose and determined by the primary target group of the publication channel.

  • Publication types A, B and C are publications intended to promote science and to produce new information mainly for the use of the researcher's own scientific community. They fulfill the definition of a scientific publication.
  • Publication type D includes publications intended to disseminate research-based information for the use of a professional community. They fulfil the definition of a professional publication.
  • Publication type E includes publications disseminating scientific and professional information in the surrounding society.
  • Publication type F includes the public outputs of artistic activities.
  • Publication type G includes theses.
  • Publication types H and I are other publications resulting from research activities, the format of which differs from that of the previous categories.

Reporting your publications

All publications by LAB staff members must be reported. Only reported publications are included in the annual Ministry of Education and Culture’s publication data collecting. It's advisable to report your publication as soon as it's out.

Publications are reported via the JUSTUS reporting service. An E-duuni ID is required for login. If you don’t already have one, please click here for instructions on how to register.

After creating an E-duuni ID you can login to JUSTUS and start reporting your publications. You can find more detailed user instructions for JUSTUS here.

Please note that the authors are responsible for reporting their own publications.

You can view and browse the reported publications in the -portal.

What publications should I report?

  • Articles that are published in professional or scientific publications (magazines, journals and compilations), as well as professional or scientific monographs and edited compilations. Artistic works and audivisual material (such as exhibitions and videos) as well as IT and communication technology programmes and patents are also reported.
  • In order to be accepted to publication data collecting, the publication must have at least one author with an affiliation with LAB (usually by employment). The publication must also be based on the author’s expertise and work conducted at LAB.
  • Publications in LAB's own publication series are reported as compilations (type D6). In addition each article with an author from LAB is reported separately (type D2).
  • Each publication is reported only once. The authors should decide which one of them reports the publication to avoid duplicates.
  • Publications co-published with another university are reported only once by each contributing university, regardless of the number of their authors. All authors are listed in the same report.
  • Scientific publications (types A-C, including conferences) must have an ISBN and/or ISSN.
  • In professional and popular publications (types D-E) the minimum requirement  is the title of the magazine and/or the name of the publisher. In professional conferences the established name of the conference is required.
  •  An ISBN/ISSN is no longer mandatory in publication types D-E, as long as the publication otherwise meets the standards of publication data collecting.
  • Information on reporting artistic publications can be found here.

You can read more about the publication data collecting from the Ministry of Education and Culture’s Publication data collection instructions for authors.

Parallel publishing


  • LAB uses the open repository Theseus for parallel publishing. The aim of parallel publishing is to make available a copy of  scientific articles that are written by LAB staff members and originally published in other than open access journals.
  • Please keep a final draft copy of your article, since this is usually the version used in parallel publishing. Final draft is the version that has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication but hasn't yet been laid out for publication by the publisher.
  • All the technicalities (permits, embargos etc) as well as the publishing itself will be taken care of by the LUT Academic Library. Once you have reported your publication in JUSTUS, send the final draft copy of the article to
  • All articles published as parallel publication will get a title page that includes bibliographical information of the original article (incl. DOI) and the version being used in parallel publishing.


logo for ORCID

ORCID provides you a persistent digital identifier to use with your name as you engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities. It distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized. There are already nearly 3 million ORCID users worldwide, so why not join them?

ORCID id is also included in the annual publication data collecting. Fill in your ORCID id in JUSTUS when reporting publications. is a service offered by the Ministry of Education and Culture that collects and shares information on research conducted in Finland. The service improves the location of information and experts on research and increases the visibility and societal impact of Finnish research.

The service was launched in June 2020 and will be developed in phases. At the moment, the service contains publications by Finnish organizations and other information on the Finnish research activities. replaced the Juuli-portal in November 2022.


SHERPA RoMEO is an online resource that aggregates and analyses publisher open access policies from around the world and provides summaries of self-archiving permissions and conditions of rights given to authors on a journal-by-journal basis. RoMEO is a Jisc service and has collaborative relationships with many international partners, who contribute time and effort to developing and maintaining the service.

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