The LAB publication series publishes reports, monographs and compilations based on the RDI and higher education teaching activities at LAB.
The ISSN for the series are 2670-1928 (online) ja 2670-1235 (print). In addition each publication will have an individual ISBN.
LAB is committed to the principles of open access publishing. All publications in the series are available online via Theseus.
The editor-in-chief for the publication series is Minna Suutari.
At least one of the writers must be from LAB. Respectively, in compilations and other edited publications there must be at least one editor from LAB.
Compilations must contain the minimum of 3-5 articles. At least half of the articles must have an author from LAB.
The language of the publication can be Finnish or English.
All references used must be cited in-text and listed alphabetically at the end of the article. LAB publication series uses the Harvard name-year system of referencing.
Theses are not accepted as such, but must be further refined and revised by the author(s) and their supervisor or other editor from LAB. The series does not publish compilations that consist of articles written only by students.
The layout of the series follows the LAB graphic guidelines. Instructions can be found in LAB's intra, Viestintäohjeet LABin TKI-projekteille (in Finnish only, log-in required).
As of 23.9.2020, all new publications in the series must meet the WCAG 2.1. accessability standard on levels A and AA. For more details, please see Techniques for WCAG 2.1.
All publications undergo technical review prior to layout and publication. Publications will also be checked for accessability.
All publications in the series are open access.
Compilations consist of articles written by several authors, and must therefore be edited by one or more editors. The editor is responsible for overseeing the whole publishing process from an idea to a finished publication. Editor's responsibilites include