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Open Access publishing with APC: CUP

Open Access publishing with APC

CUP - APC-maksut

FinELibin ja Cambridge University Pressin sopimuksen perusteella LUT-yliopiston tutkijat voivat julkaista avoimia artikkeleita ilman APC-maksua (article processing charge) CUP:n hybridi- ja Gold OA lehdissä, jotka kuuluvat CUP:n Full Collection -kokoelmaan sopimuskaudella 2024 - 2025.

Artikkeleista, jotka julkaistaan CUP:n Research Directions ja Cambridge Prisms special -kokoelmissa, voi saada 10 %:n alennuksen APC-maksusta.

LUT-kirjoittajan tulee toimia artikkelin vastaavana kirjoittajana (corresponding author). LUT-tiedekirjasto vahvistaa kirjoittajan affiliaation julkaisuprosessin aikana.

Artikkelin julkaiseminen avoimena CUP:n lehdissä

Suomenkieliset ohjeet tulossa.

CUP - APC fees

Under FinELib consortium´s agreement with Cambridge University Press, LUT University authors have the possibility to publish articles open access in CUP´s hybrid and Gold OA journals included in CUP’s Full Collection without APC fee during the agreement period 2024 - 2025.

For articles in CUP Research Directions and Cambridge Prisms special collections, a 10% automatic discount on the normal APC applies.

The corresponding author must be affiliated with LUT. The LUT Academic Library verifies author´s affiliation to CUP.

How to publish Open Access articles in CUP journals

CUP's Full Collection

1) Manuscript Submission: Ensure you select or supply your affiliation accurately when prompted during the submission process. Please, use your LUT e-mail address (

2) Open Access Author Publishing Agreement: Upon acceptance, follow e-mail instructions from CUP to complete your author publishing agreement. Select the gold open access option to take advantage of LUT’s agreement for publishing without APC.

3) Licenses: Select the CC-license (the default option) whenever available. (CC BY is required by many funders.)

4) APC Transaction Process: You will receive an e-mail from Rightslink to transact your APC. Select the option to 'seek funding' from your institutional agreement. If your article complies with all relevant eligibility criteria, your APC will be automatically waived. The Academic Library confirms the author´s affiliation to CUP.

5) Article Production: Your article will now move through the production process.

6) Article Publication: You will be notified upon the publication of your article via an e-mail from CUP.

Please note that if your request is not approved (i.e. if you are not eligible), you will need to arrange payment of the APC via another method.

CUP Research Directions and Cambridge Prisms special collections
The 10% APC discount will be applied automatically based on corresponding author´s affiliation.

Saavutettavuusseloste | Accessibility Statement