ProQuest Business/Economics package includes:
ABI/INFORM® Complete
ProQuest Accounting, Tax and Banking Collection
ProQuest Asian & European Business Collection
Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database
Academic organisations and other schools: current members of the faculty and other staff of the Licensee (whether on a permanent, temporary, contract or visiting basis), retired members of staff and students at the Licensee's institution.
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Authorised and Walk-in Users may:
Authorised Users may:
Neither Authorised nor Walk-in Users may:
For the avoidance of doubt, downloading of all or parts of the Products in a systematic or regular manner so as to create a collection of materials comprising all or part of the Products is strictly prohibited whether or not such collection is in electronic or print form, save as provided concerning Course Packs.
ProQuest's explicit written permission must be obtained in order to:
Remote access is allowed for authorized users through the institution's secure network.
FinELib (käyttöehdot myös suomen kielellä)