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Terms of use for e-resources: IOPscience - Journal archive & Book collections

LUT Academic Library


Archive of electronic journals published by Institute of Physics (IOP) - years 2008-2010.

E-book collections (2013 - 2024):
IOP Concise Physics
IOP Expanding Physics

Owning organisation: LUT

LUT University

Authorized user

"Authorized Users" mean the institution’s employees, faculty (permanent, temporary and visiting), students officially affiliated with the institution, persons with legal access to the library's facilities on site using one of the IP addresses and contract staff (permanent or temporary). Authorized Users includes persons affiliated with remote sites or campuses of the institution in the same country as the institution and/or persons affiliated with the institution who are studying overseas at sites or campuses of a third party institution on a temporary basis. Access is limited to the site addresses supplied by the Subscriber except that, where the Subscriber wishes to allow Authorized Users to access the Service from terminals or work stations at locations other than the site addresses specified, this may be done via public access, caching and proxy servers, or some other recognized authentification system such as Shibboleth, provided that the Authorized Users only access the Service through the IP addresses supplied, and provided further that, in all cases, the Subscriber has adequate security measures in place to ensure that only Authorized Users access the Service via the applicable method.

Permitted use

  • Authorised Users may access, search and print hard copy of text. Copying shall be limited to making a single printed copy or electronic copies of a reasonable number of individual articles or other similar items.
  • Access is granted to Authorised Users of educational institutions solely for private study or research for a non-commercial purpose by Authorised Users.
  • Authorised Users of educational institutions may use the Service for educational resources, such as "course packs", made available solely to Authorised Users provided that electronic copies included in such educational resources are removed or deleted at the end of the semester or term in which the relevant course ends.
  • Such Authorised Users may also make brief quotations from the content of journals, with the customary acknowledgement of the source, and copy and transmit content from individual online articles in "person-to-person" and non-systematic scholarly exchanges of information..
  • The Subscriber and Authorised Users may only use this online access in a way that does not breach the laws of the country in which they are accessing the Service.

For inter-library loan purposes is allowed:

  • a single paper copy of an article or chapter from a single Publication may be made and sent non-digitally to a library in the same country as the Subscriber under fair dealing/use exemptions;
  • a single copy of an article or chapter from a single Publication may be made available to a library in the same country as the Subscriber by secure transmission using Ariel or ILLiad (or their equivalent) whereby that electronic file is deleted immediately after printing. Such supply shall be for the purpose of research or private study and not for commercial use or onward transmission or distribution. In the USA, such copies may only be made in compliance with Section 108 of the Copyright Act of the USA and within CONTU guidelines.

IOP - Terms and conditions

Prohibited use

  • Altering, recompiling, systematic or programmatic copying, reselling, redistributing, supplying, publishing or republishing (beyond the brief quotations permitted above) from the Service of any journal text, output, search results or other information from any part of the Service, including, without limitation, copyright, proprietary or other legal notices, in any form or medium is prohibited.
  • Downloading an entire issue of a journal, systematic downloading, service bureau redistribution services, printing for a for-fee-service purpose, document delivery services and/or the systematic making of print or electronic copies for transmission to non-Authorized Users (beyond that permitted above) are prohibited.

IOP - Terms and conditions

Remote access

Remote access allowed through the Institution's secure network.

Database by members of the public (walk-in patrons) is not permitted.


Saavutettavuusseloste | Accessibility Statement