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Terms of use for e-resources: Knovel

LUT Academic Library


Knovel covers over 4 000 reference books in chemistry, biology, engineering, geology, food and health sciences etc.

Owning organisation: LUT

LUT University

Authorised users

Authorized users include faculty members and researchers (including temporary or exchange faculty and researchers for the duration of their assignment), students, staff members, registered distance learning students, retired members of faculty over the age of 60, staff and researchers, independent cotractors who are permitted to access the Secure Network. Walk-in users may use Knovel within the physical premises of the subscribing organization via secure network.

Permitted use

Use of the product is permitted for the purpose of education, teaching, distance learning, private study, retrieving information and/or research and administrative purposes, but not for commercial use.

Authorized and walk-in users may:
- search, view, display and browse the Knovel
- print, photocopy, download,save and store electronically limited sections of the Knovel. Teaching staff may use such limited sections in electronic presentations and present such electronic presentations during lectures. Provision of copies of such presentations and/or limited sections to authorized users is not permitted.
- distribute single copies of limited sections of the Knovel in print or electronic form to other authorized and walk-in users. Distribution of a copy for teaching purposes to each individual student (authorized user) in a class at the subscriber’s institution is allowed, but the copies may not be resold.

Only authorized users may:
- distribute single copies of limited sections of the Knovel in print or electronic form to third party colleagues for the purposes of scientific research and communication or to be used for the basis of discussion groups.
- linking to the Knovel in virtual and managed environments (including but not limited to virtual learning environments, managed learning environments, virtual research environments and library environments) hosted on a secure network. Each item shall carry appropriate acknowledgement of the source, listing title and copyright owner.
- display or publicly perform parts of the Knovel as part of presentation limited to authorized users

The subscribing institution may produce alternative versions of a copyrighted work, for example Braille, for the exclusive use of the reading impaired or the blind. This material can not be re-sold.

Prohibited use

None of the product may be used (directly or indirectly) for any of the following purposes:
- substantial or systematic reproduction
- re-distribution, re-selling, or sub-licensing in any manner
- systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone other than an authorized or walk-in user
- systematic or substantial retention of the product
- Alteration; Notices. Neither Subscriber nor its Authorized or Walk-in Users may modify, adapt, transform, translate, or create any derivative work based on the Product, or otherwise use same in a manner that would infringe the copyright or other proprietary rights therein. Copyright notices, other notices, or disclaimers included in the Product may not be removed, obscured, or modified in any way.
- Reverse Engineering/Decompilation. Subscriber will not reverse-engineer, decompile, or disassemble any software included in the Product.

Remote access

Remote access is permitted for Authorized Users via the Subscriber institution's secure network.

Saavutettavuusseloste | Accessibility Statement