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Terms of use for e-resources: Elsevier - ScienceDirect

LUT Academic Library


Elsevier ScienceDirect is an interdisciplinary collection of scholarly journals. Access to titles starts from the year 1995.

Owning organisation: LUT

LUT University

Owning organisation: LAB

LAB logo


Authorised users

Authorised users are students, faculty, staff, researchers and independent contractors retired faculty staff, retired librarians and retired researchers of the Institutions subscribing to Licensed Products and individuals using computer terminals within the library facilities at the Institutions.

Permitted use

Authorised users may
- access, search, browse, view and display to other Authorized Users, the Subscribed Products;
- print, photocopy, download, electronically save and store for the exclusive use of such Authorized User a reasonable amount of articles, abstracts or records, from the Subscribed Products (“Excerpts”), this exclusive use will include the use by teaching staff of such Excerpts in electronic presentations, the right to present such electronic presentations during lectures for credited courses and the provision of copies of such presentations internally to Authorized Users;
- incorporate links to the Subscribed Products and/or Excerpts on the Institution’s intranet and internet websites provided that the downloaded and printed content shall carry appropriate acknowledgement of the source, title, author and publisher and that the appearance of such links and/or statements accompanying such links shall be changed as reasonably requested by Elsevier
- publicly display individual items or publicly perform parts of the Subscribed Products as part of a presentation at a seminar, conference, or workshop, or other similar event
- provide print or electronic copies (including via email) of Excerpts from the Subscribed Products to other Authorized Users and to third-party colleagues for their scholarly or research use. The sharing to third party colleagues must be incidental and non-systematic and must not be posted on public websites;
- use Braille displays, voice synthesizers and other devices to enable the use of the Subscribed Products;
- use the Subscribed Products to perform and engage in text and data mining activities to the extent permitted by the EU DSM Directive and/or the relevant local legislation as implemented by Finland.

Prohibited use (includes information on the use of AI)

Authorised users may not
- abridge, modify, translate (other than for personal use of the Authorised User in a locally self-hosted environment or hosted environment solely for use by such Institution or Authorized user) or create any derivative work and/or service (including resulting from the use of artificial intelligence tools), based on the Subscribed Products, except to the extent necessary to make them perceptible on a computer screen to Authorized Users
- use the Subscribed Products in combination with an artificial intelligence tool (including to train an algorithm, test, process, analyse, generate output and/or develop any form of artificial intelligence tool) except where such artificial intelligence tool is used locally in a self-hosted environment or hosted environment solely for use by such Institution or Authorized user, is not trained using the Subscribed Products or any part thereof for the benefit of a third party and does not share the Subscribed Product or any part thereof with a third party except for use by such Institution or Authorized user as set out in this Agreement
- remove, obscure or modify in any way any copyright notices, other notices or disclaimers as they appear in the Subscribed Products
- use any robots, spiders, crawlers or other automated downloading programs, tools, or devices to search, scrape, extract, deep link, index and/or disrupt the working of the Subscribed Products
- substantially or systematically reproduce, retain, store locally, redistribute or disseminate the Subscribed Product.

Remote access

Remote access allowed through the Institution's secure network.

More information

FinELib (käyttöehdot myös suomen kielellä)

Saavutettavuusseloste | Accessibility Statement