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Terms of use for e-resources: Royal Society of Chemistry Journals - RSC Journals

LUT Academic Library


Scientific publisher of biology, biophysics, chemical science, materials, medicinal drug discovery and physics high-impact journals and books.

Owning organisation: LUT

LUT University

Authorized user

Authorized user means the categories of persons associated with Customer as specified below who have been allowed access to Publisher Content by Customer, such access to be by Secure Authentication:

  • faculty members (including temporary or exchange faculty members for the duration of their assignment);
  • enrolled post-graduate and undergraduate students;
  • current staff members;
  • contract personnel directly involved in educational and research activities of Customer; and
  • Walk-In Users, i.e. persons who do not fall into any of the categories above but are permitted by the Customer to access Publisher Content whilst they are on Customer’s physical premises.  Such access must at all times be by Secure Authentication on computer terminals within the Customer’s physical premises. Walk-In Users may not be given means to access Publisher Content outside the Customer’s physical premises or by any wireless network unless the network is a secure network provided by the Customer.

Permitted use

  • Search, retrieve, download, view and display the Licensed Material.
  • Electronically save copies of parts of the Licensed Material.
  • Print off single copies of parts of Licensed Material.
  • Distribute single copies of parts of the Licensed Material in to third parties outside the Licensee for the purposes of scientific research and communication or to be used for the basis of discussion groups. This sharing must be incidental and non-systematic and in no case for resale or commercial purposes.
  • Publicly display or publicly perform parts of the Licensed Material as part of a presentation at a seminar, conference, or workshop, or other such similar activity.
  • Reading impaired Authorized and Walk-in-Users may use Braille displays, voice synthesizers and other devices to enable use of the Licensed Material.
  • Extract and use excerpts from the Licensed Material for academic research, scholarship, and other educational purposes, including extraction and manipulation for the purpose of illustration, explanation, example, comment, criticism, teaching, research, and analysis.
  • Where such uses are permitted under the copyright laws of Finland, use, with appropriate credit, figures, tables, and brief excerpts from the Licensed Material in the Authorized User’s own scientific, scholarly, and educational works including but not limited to books and articles.
  • Use the Licensed Material to perform and engage in Text and Data mining activities.
  • If an article in the licensed material has been published under an open access license, in such cases those license terms govern the use.

Prohibited use

  • Systematically make printed or electronic copies of multiple extracts of the Licensed Material save as permitted in this Agreement.
  • Display or distribute any part of the Licensed Material on any electronic network, including without limitation the Internet and the World Wide Web, other than a Secure Network
  • Use the whole or any part of the Licensed Material for any Commercial Use or any purpose other than Educational and/or administrative purposes.
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  • Publish, distribute or make available the Licensed Material, works based on the Licensed Material or works which combine it with any other material,
  • Alter, abridge, adapt or modify the Licensed Material, except to the extent necessary to make it perceptible on a screen, to Authorized and Walk-in Users save as permitted in this agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, no alteration of the words or their order is permitted.

Remote access

Remote access allowed through the Institution's secure network.


Saavutettavuusseloste | Accessibility Statement