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Terms of use for e-resources: SciFinder-n

LUT Academic Library


CA reference database
CAS REGISTRY: subsctance information
CAS REACT: chemical synthesis information
CHEMCATS: commercially available substances
CHEMLIST: regulated chemicals information

Owning organisation: LUT

LUT University

Authorize use

SciFinder® is for Educational use ONLY.

Commercial use of your University account is strictly prohibited.

Authorized User: A current faculty or staff member, or officially registered student of the Licensee institution. No access for walk-in users.
You have to register with your email account as a user of  SciFinder-n Registration Link for LUT University

By clicking the Accept button, I agree to the terms below:

  1. I am a current faculty, staff member or officially registered student of the University.
  2. I will use SciFinder® ONLY for my own academic research.
  3. I will not use SciFinder® for commercial research or for organizations other than my University.
  4. I will not share my unique username and password with any other individual.
  5. I will not use an automated script.
  6. I may store no more than 5,000 records in electronic form at any one time.

Violations of these terms may result in your University losing SciFinder® access.

Permitted use

Authorized Users are permitted to use SciFinder Scholar only for Academic Research. Academic Research is educational research done in the usual course in the pursuit of a degree; or research by faculty and students which is funded by the government or non-profit research foundations and intended for publication in the publicly available literature. To qualify as Academic Research, the research must not involve patentability searching. Research may be funded entirely or in part by for-profit entities, but to qualify as Academic Research the for-profit entities must not in return receive or be promised any good, product, interest, property right, profit, or service of any kind, tangible or intangible, including, but not limited to, patent rights, publishing rights, copyrights, data, research materials, or ownership interest in spin-out or start-up companies.

Authorized Users may:

  • Use the Product solely in the ordinary course of Academic Research;
  • Store search results in electronic form, provided that at any one time, no more than 5,000 records are stored by a Named User;
  • Search only for themselves; and
  • Share their search results in a reasonable, limited way with other Named Users working on the same or related research projects; provided, however, such sharing may not result in: an aggregation of the electronic records stored by individual Named Users, or the creation of any central source of electronic records. Named users who are library staff of Licensee may share search results with Named or Walk in Users for whom they are doing the search.
  • Include some bibliographic citations and other data items derived from the Product in published articles
  • Presentation of data at a conference, in a working paper of pre-print or similar forum provided that the subject matter is not CAS techniques, databases or processes.
  • Sharing research information on request with another researcher or research agency wishing to examine Licensee’s research activity or replicate a particular experiment, provided this information is not shared in the fulfillment of a contractual or “work for hire” obligation.
  • Distribution for scholarly communication: Named Users may distribute single copies of data items derived from the Product in an incidental manner in print or electronic form to third party colleagues for the purposes of non-commercial scholarly communications or to be used for the basis of discussion groups. The distribution of such data shall not result in the aggregation or creation of any central source of records.
  • Reading impaired Named and Walk-in-Users may use Braille displays, voice synthesizers and other devices to enable use of the Product.

Authorised users who are members of the faculty may:

  • Course packs: Collection of compilation of materials in print or electronic forma assembled by a member of staff of Licensee for use by students in connection with courses offered by Licensee. Content from the Product may be incorporated in printed or electronic course packs for use by Named Users in the course of educational instruction. All data shall reflect the appropriate attribution, listing the abstracts title, author and publisher.
  • Publicly display or publicly perform parts of the content as part of a presentation at a seminar, conference, or workshop, or other such teaching activity.

Stored records must be deleted when they are no longer needed by the Named User for the relevant research project, or, if a student, after the completion of Named User’s degree program, whichever occurs first.

Prohibited use

  • Create or compile, directly or indirectly a collection, compilation, database or directory, manually, via automated programing, or otherwise (e.g., a script written to extract and download any data within the Product in batches);
  • Use any script/macro to automate an otherwise manual process, including but not limited to, an attempt to login to the Product utilizing an automated process;
  • Redistribute to third parties, whether for commercial gain or otherwise, or in any other way commercially exploit the Product;
  • Use the Product in conjunction with federated search tools, or for any other purpose, including but not limited to distribution of the Product by assignment, sale, sublicense, loan or other means of transfer to any third party, or any commercial use, whether paid or unpaid;
  • Reverse assemble, decompile, reverse engineer, modify, enhance, adapt, create derivative works or otherwise attempt to derive source code (or the underlying ideas, algorithms, structure or organization) the Product.

Walk-in-users are not permitted to use Scifinder-n.

Remote access

Remote access is permitted for Authorized Users via the Licensee institution's secure network.


Saavutettavuusseloste | Accessibility Statement